The French revolution
was the most important event
in the development of free societies.
It influenced events...
He's pretty good.
Like in a circus.
He could be all right!
Why did revolution occur in France?
In order for a revolution to take place,
there must be a situation in which -
Listen up!
The cylinder emitting the X rays
is a glass vesseI containing sodium -
Why were you expelled
from Okayama?
"Sodium vesseI." Everyone say that.
Sodium vesseI.
Good. Now, listen.
"Fill in the correct answer. "
Who was that? Come here!
You idiot!
Listen, you!
The classroom is like a castle.
You know your punishment
for drawing a sword inside a castle?
RituaI suicide!
Professor Mammoth!
You're the first one to call me
"Mammoth" to my face.
You're pretty brave.
They're afraid of you because you're strong.
They sit and listen quietly.
But they make fun of Professor Duck
because he's got no guts.
Faced with strength, they're pussycats.
Faced with weakness, they're noisy pigs.
They're nothing but
shitty hick cowards!