There have been arrests in Madrid.
Many of my colleagues have fallen.
I want a child by you.
This is no life!
What is a life?
A child by you.
Can you imagine?
We'll discuss it calmly.
My child. It's not something
to discuss calmly.
Afterwards you can go away, leave me,
even forget me if you like.
This isn't the time.
Yes, it is the time.
Those arrests.
When did they start?
Thursday, three days ago.
What does it make you want
when things like that happen?
Want? What do you mean?
Does it make you want to go on
doing what you're doing...
even if you're left all alone?
One is never left all alone.
We must let them know that we exist.
That the work still goes on.
That's right.
I'll be back.
Agnes? Are you ready?