Line yourselves. Let's begin.
Roger, go there.
You'll pay for that.
Somebody has tripped you up.
That's a revolt.
Revolt. My God.
- You'll pay me for that tomorrow.
- Not today ?
Because we're hosting President Novales
today. Mind, that our...
...restaurant is an embassy of french
kitchen, and you're serving France.
Listen up, you provocator.
Prepare it for me for the evening.
- For today ?
- You'll make it. You've got two hours.
- Thirty musicians play there.
- Three instruments are fair enough.
- Can your violinist play the flute ?
- Czy twój skrzypek gra na flecie?.
- Flute?.
Everything will be all right.
Julien, come here. And don't sleep.
- Did your father play the cello ?
- Yes.
He is a violinist.
We'll play the national anthem for Mr President
at the beginning. I'll give you a descrete sign, when to begin.
Let's say I'd be doing this sign...
Are you making fun of me ? You'd better pay attention.