That'd be unserious.
Where will we begin the operation. Here ?
In your office. That was your idea.
I will bring you the whole sum by tomorrow.
Thank you, mr. Minister.
You will leave the money where
they tell you to do so, and please..
- call me.
- If I'll be able to.
More courage. You have to do your duty,
and we have to do ours.
But don't tell them to follow me.
You've heard what they had said.
If you follow me, they will kill me at instance.
So will they do with president.
They will kill me anyways...
Please look straight into my eyes.
Is my word enough for you ?
Whole France's watching you.
If you carry out the task, it will
surely pay you off.
Just the same ?
I promise.
The same colour ?
Have a nice trip.