That's for him to decide.
The king of beasts.
Speaking of kings,
have you seen him?
He arrived last night;
a very handsome young man, l hear.
Listen, l'm fed up with all your antics
and double-talk!
l'm here for the blockhouse and
the knight, and l don't understand.
l don't either.
l'm not here
for cock-and-bull stories!
l'm too old
for cops and robbers!
- How old are you, young man?
- Look, l've had it with you!
- You're hurting me!
- Where is the blockhouse?
What's a blockhouse?
He's mad!
King of Hearts!
l'm the king of the fools!
l have to warn them!
Thank God you're still here!
DOn't wOrry, it's me.
l just got some new clothes. That's all.
Now, one of you has got to take
a message to the Colonel.
Fine. You can decide between you.
From Charles Plumpick
to Headquarters.
Wrong town. lnhabitants odd.
Chimpanzee checkmate.
Encountered single bear, two lions...
but no contact with Mackerel.