Don't move!
All right, follow me!
I want to get his I.D. Card and papers, sir.
Who's he?
General Melies' aide-de-camp.
Melies should have come here himself,
or put a bullet through his head.
All right, follow my path.
I've checked these over, sir.
There's nothing restricted among them.
"To the Countess de Clairefons:
"Personal papers
of Major André de Clairefons."
You keep them, Captain.
Don't you think I know
why Clairefons was here?
- What are you saying?
- One stinking plane.
What the hell did you expect
to accomplish?
Melies sent his fancy aide-de-camp
to check up on me.
You're wrong.
Am I?
- What was your job at headquarters?
- Division historian.
And for your information
I'm also a paratrooper.
You know Melies couldn't have
picked a worse place to fight!
Were you and Clairefons
going to report that?
Like hell you were!
You were going to make me the goat.
You were sent
to get the general off the hook.
Then you're a damn fool! Sir.
None of us were sent, sir.
We volunteered with Major de Clairefons.
I need fighters, not historians,
boot-lickers from the general staff...