Shall we put him under arrest, Colonel?
Maybe he is a fighter.
Captain Boisfeuras.
I have got 30 porters
with about 40 cases of ammo with me.
They are waiting outside in an old trench.
How did you get through?
I persuaded my porters to keep going.
I speak their language.
I was born here.
Shall I bring in the ammo now?
We'll try to fight our way out
before it gets light.
Soldiers of France, you are going to die.
You will not be able to stop
our oveewhelming force.
Our soldiers are smaller
and less strong than yours...
... but they fight with more spirit
because we have the truth...
... the only truth, on our side.
You'll fight to keep humanity in the dark.
We serve a just cause.
Our only desire is peace.
- Take off your badges of rank.
- To hell with them.
They'll stick the biggest pig first.
You are in war of imperialist conquest
in a country which does not belong to you.
French soldiers, you are a few beaten men
against a division.
Lay down your arms.