The Chinese say:
"The courage of your enemy
does your honour."
Come in. Come in.
They've slapped a curfew on...
Read that on the table.
"Regiment disbanded."
I've lost my job.
What can I do to help? Anything.
Tell you what,
you can get me another drink.
Maybe I should write that report after all,
what you did out there...
...what they owe you, what we all owe you.
Hey, come on.
You should see the Countess de Clairefons
in Paris.
And give her her husband's papers.
It will mean a lot to her. She can help you.
She comes from an important
military family.
Since when do women run the army?
It's been going on for longer
than peasants have been allowed...
...to become officers.
To hell with it.
Lousy bastards.