Thank you.
My son.
My son.
Do I call you "doctor" yet?
- Welcome back.
- Ben Saad. I knew you would be here.
We planned a party for you...
...but the curfew has stopped
the guests from coming.
Ben Saad took a risk running over
from next door.
Where is Chaib?
We hoped he was down at the dock
to meet you.
I'm afraid your little fool of a brother
is out breaking the curfew.
You're talking about a handful
of fanatics. Always had them.
But there's been a revolution here
since Dien Bien Phu.
A yellow-skinned army beat the French.
Many Moslems believe
we could do the same.
I wish Chaib were here.
Mother, be careful.
Last week during a curfew
a woman was shot putting out her cat.
You still teaching them how
to pull teeth, Ben Saad?
No. I wasn't asked back
to university this fall.
How's business, Father?
Fair. We need new buses
but I can't get the permits for them.