Lost Command

They have taken away my command.
Cavalry Club in the "Bois de Boulogne".
Unfortunately, these days...
... certain great traditions
of the French army are being forgotten.

As a result, we have been wounded
in our flesh, and now mourn gallant men.

Some officers have been away so long
they forgot our customs:

The tip.
Major de Clairefons belonged
to a great military race of Crusaders...

...Marshals of France, and Generals
of the Republic...

...which he surely would have become.
In the words of his brave countess:
"Clairefons died in the tradition."
I was pleased to learn
you're the division historian.

The man who writes the history of the
division will write about my husband.

I'm sure you'll be satisfied with what I say.
- What I wanted to talk to you about...
- When may I see what you write?

- I'll work during my leave.
- That's good of you, Captain.

The army needs men like you.
It needs men like Colonel Raspeguy
far more.

I hope you'll use your influence
to help him.

Raspeguy is a peasant.
The army must resume its traditions.
I'm sorry I can't help Raspeguy.
He should resign.
