- Please, sit down.
- No, thank you.
He says, among other things,
that your junior officers and men...
...respect you in the field.
It's your superior officers
with whom you can't seem to get along.
- No, sir.
- And that is to stop.
Yes, sir.
If I'm going to help you.
Help me how, sir?
The command of the 10th Parachute
Regiment in Algeria may be open.
I'll take it, sir.
Failure in this command
is the end of your career.
The only reason
you are being considered at all...
...is because the situation in Algeria...
...is growing worse.
- Can I take my former officers with me, sir?
- Lf they are fools enough to volunteer.
No one is assigned to the 10th.
It will be composed mostly of rejects
from other units.
Could you be ready in ten days to report
to the 12th Military District in Algeria?
Yes, sir.
- Good luck, Raspeguy.
- Thank you, sir.
I'd rather rely on tactics.
By the way, sir, who'll be my
commander in chief in Algeria?
General Melies.
Thank you, sir.
- Why did you want to come here anyway?
- I don't know.
I guess I'm just testing myself.
Your uncle said I might be leaving
for Algeria soon.
Will you be taking your band of pirates
with you?
The 10th is on a volunteer basis,
except for the rejects.
But with a little arm-twisting,
I'll get my men back, all except one.
Well, questionable. But a good officer.
He's an Arab.