Lost Command

Hey, Colonel!
May I help you, gentlemen?
Who are you?
Dr. Ali Ben Saad. I'm a dentist.
I live next door at No. 6.
This is No. 4, Belcourt Place.

Then you knew Mahidi.
We were great friends.
- Where is he?
- After this he went away.

No one has seen him since.
- What happened here?
- Nothing so unusual these days.

The Mahidis had a transport business.
But a close friend of the administrator
owned the local taxi service.

Mahidi was given a hard time.
Fines, heavy taxes.
Then he got an offer to sell out,
at a low price.

- He refused and this happened.
- Exactly.

- Where is this crook?
- Not here.

He left with the civil administrator,
who's been promoted.

He's now head of the entire
district of Nedromah.

If you see Mahidi, tell him some friends
from Indochina were looking for him.

Thank you, Doctor.
