Bring me some hot water.
Go on, more!
Good evening.
Good evening.
-You're pretty strong.
-I'd better be.
I need to ask your son some questions.
Where were you during the procession?
-Where were you?
-That's no answer. TeII the truth.
-I toId you, nowhere.
Don't be Iike that.
Just teII us where you were.
It's not him.
You know that.
That's enough.
It's no one's business where he goes.
Leave him aIone and get out!
No need to get excited.
You heard me. Get the heII out of here.
Where were you?
Don't forget, we're foreigners.
They bIame us for everything.
Because they're cowards,
and they're scared to death.
Why are you wearing my pants?
Take them off.
I toId you not to wear them.
It's a girI's?