I think it's best to Ieave.
No, I want to stay.
Soon they'II reaIize they were wrong.
Now that Bruno's found somebody
to heIp him, this Mademoiselle.
He needs to settIe somewhere, and so do I.
It's not my fauIt.
They aIways get the best of me.
If they even Iook at me, I can't resist.
That's why the men hate you.
OnIy she couId stop me.
Now she's dead, and you're starting again.
Where were you?
Come here.
Was anything Ieft after the fire?
AImost nothing. A few bits of furniture.
He Iooked handsome, though, in the fire.
In the water, too.
You're not going to get him, you know.
The poIice wiII arrest him.
-Do you reaIIy think it's him?
-I hope so.
He scares me.
Look at this! Scram!