He wants to take my pIace.
Where were you Iast night?
-Where'd you go?
-To the fire.
But before that, when I came home earIier
you weren't there.
Where were you before the fire?
Be carefuI.
How's work?
Nice job you have, I must say.
Better than ours.
You go where you pIease.
One week here, one week there.
We don't Iike moving that much.
Stop fooIing around!
It's not so quiet, out in the country.
-That's no news to you.
-That's right.
You know, they're not bad peopIe here.
That is, when things are normaI.
But now, they're worried. Frightened.
-You understand?
-We've done nothing.
I'm not accusing you,
but as a precaution....
-They say--
-Who are ''they''?
No one in particuIar, but there are rumors.