Nevada Smith

You've been through about 25
pounds of food in three days.

You think you're ever
going to get filled up?

Oh, l'm sorry.
l didn't think.
l know it's a long ways
to haul food.

Well, finish it up,
if you can.

l can.
l didn't expect you
to be so generous.

Think l was going to throw you
to the coyotes?

You had every right.
l meant to kill you if l had to.
You an old hand at killing?
l killed my share
of deer and... rabbits.

Ever hold a gun on a man?
You're setting out
to kill three of them, huh?

Bang, bang, bang.
You figure
you're going to make it

'cause you got right
on your side?

lt helps.
They bury a sheriff
about once a week out here.
Well, l just figure
it's a matter

of me killing them
before they kill me.

Now, you want to show me
some of this fancy gun work?

Turn around and face the sun.
Hit that.
