Nevada Smith

Well, l...
You don't drink either?
Where you're going,
you'd best study up on it.
Now, the lowest hand
you can get

is a pair--
that's two of a kind.

Then two pair
and three of a kind,

then a straight.
Three of what kind?
Three of anything--
three nines, three tens,
three jacks.

Which ones are the tens?
Don't you know
how to read?

Well, l never went to school.
Know how to write?
Well, if l know how to write,
l'd know how to read.
Anything you can do?
That's an awful waste
of good whiskey.

Where you were goin',
you wouldn't need whiskey.

All right.
A ten has got ten spots on it.
You can count that far
on your toes.

Listen, you take it
easy around here.

lt's just a quiet town.
l know people,
l do business with them.

Well, all right.
But listen, Mr. Cord,
if you happen to see...

Yeah, l know, if l see
anything suspicious

like a horse
with an ''SS'' brand,

l'll come get you.
Here's a buck--
go buy yourself some candy.
