l'm sorry.
l'm so sorry.
You've been asking around
for a man by the name
of Tom Fitch?
Yeah... he's my brother.
l heard of him.
You did, huh?
A couple of months ago,
give or take a week.
He road through here,
up to no good.
Headed north.
How'd he look?
Mean as you, the kind somebody's
always looking for.
l hope you'll keep on looking.
You do, huh?
Yeah, because then you'll be
moving on out of town
as soon as
your horse gets shod.
You will, won't you?
Most likely.
Most definitely.
Three kings.
Tom Fitch.
Heard about a Joe Fitch,
worked in the mine.
300 feet down, still there.
Then there was a Carrot Fitch.
Red hair.
Now, that was back
in Fort Wayne.
Nope, Tom Fitch
doesn't ring a bell.
Any particular reason
why you're tracking him?
Yeah, he's my brother.
Got a message from home.
You'll probably run into him
one of these days.
l hope so.