Nevada Smith

this room is worse
than some jails

l've been in.
ln a way,
we're both prisoners here--

myself by choice
and you by circumstance.

Son, you will be...
Padre, will you quit
calling me ''son''?

My father's dead.
l know, Max.
But you'll be here
for some weeks.

Use them profitably.
Arguing with you?
You might read.
l brought you a book.
lt's called the Bible.
Men have been reading it
for many centuries.

What's it about?
Oh, everything important.
There's only one thing
important to me.

Finding and killing a man, huh?
Primitive, hopeless revenge.
l'll settle for that.
Why... when there
is another half of you

waiting to be discovered?
You also inherited
a refined tradition

of religion, philosophy
and conscience.

l don't understand
them words.

The difference
between right and wrong

and knowing
when not to do wrong.

lf the civilized half of you
ever wakes up, Max,

and with God's help,
you could become
a whole man someday.

With God's help,
my leg will heal

faster than you can say ''Amen,''
and l'll be out of here!

Good night.
Come in, come in, Max.
l'm... l'm leaving now
and l... want
to bring back your Bible.

You've had it a long time.
Why don't you keep it, hmm?
