Making changes...
The worst thing with me is l'm so lazy.
And then l get a bad conscience. Karl-
Henrik scolds me for lacking ambition.
He says l go around like a sleepwalker.
l think that's unfair.
l was best in my group with the exams.
But he probably means something else.
You know...
Oh, sorry. You know
what l sometimes think of?
At the hospital where l did my exam,
there's a home for old nurses.
Ones that have always been nurses,
lived for their work. Always in uniform.
They live in their small rooms. lmagine
devoting your whole life to something.
l mean, believing in something.
Accomplishing something.
Believing that one's life has a purpose.
l like things like that.
Sticking to one thing doggedly,
irrespective. l think one ought to.
Mean something to other people.
Don't you think so as well?
l know it sounds childish,
but l believe in it.
Goodness, it's raining a lot!
Oh, yes. He was married.
We had a relationship for five years.
Then he got tired, of course.
l was very much in love, that's for sure.
And he was the first.
l remember it all like a long torment.
Long periods of pain
and then short moments when...
l'm thinking of it as you've taught me
to smoke. He smoked loads.
Thinking of it afterwards,
it's really banal. A real pulp fiction.
ln a strange way
it was never really real.
l don't know how to describe it.
At least, l was never quite real to him.
My pain was real, that's for sure.