
Not just then, anyway.
lt doesn't make sense.
None of it fits together.

Then you get a bad conscience over
small things. Can you understand?

What happens to everything
you believe in? lsn't it necessary?

Can you be one and the same person
at the same time?

l mean, was l two people...?
God, l'm being silly...

l don't have any reason
to start snivelling, anyway.

Wait, l'm going to fetch a tissue.
lt's nearly morning...
and it's still raining.

lmagine, l've been talking in a stream.
l've talked and you've listened to me.

How boring for you. Of what interest
can my life be to you?

One should be like you.
You know what l thought
when l saw your film that night?

When l came home l saw myself
in the mirror and thought: we're alike.

Don't misunderstand me, you're much
prettier, but we are alike in a way.

l think l could turn myself into you.
lf l made a real effort.

l mean inside.
You could turn yourself into me
just like that.

Although your soul would be much
too big. lt would stick out everywhere!
