Tanin no kao

Machiko Kyo
Director: Hiroshi Teshigahara
I was checking our
new plant.

You don't mind my talking, I hope.
No, please keep talking.
Perhaps I shouldn't have
been so careless.

We should have used liquid air.
But we ran out... we used
liquid oxygen instead.

I thought it was liquid air.
You were unlucky.
Yes, it was bad luck,
but my own fault.

If I could have called it destiny...
...or even a war wound...
I think I might have been saved.
Now, it's like being exiled.
no one even remembers it happened.
Stop it, please.
I've become very sensitive to noise.
I'm sorry.
I was almost through anyway.
Does losing your face
affect your senses, too?

You're tired.
