Tanin no kao

You lied when you said
you didn't mind my face.

You had to say it. I know that.
Easy to say the monster is
the one to blame.

Everything's the monster's fault.
You've harped on it so often,
I'm beginning to believe it.
Because I imagine
you think that way.

I get awkward even more.
Why? Why imagine so?
Never mind.
I'm above such things now.

Actually, I saw a movie today.
It was cold.
Theatres are dark, aren't they?

no one minds how you look.
What were they showing?
A young girl was sitting
in front of me.

She was alone at first, but later
a man came and sat beside her.

There were other seats, but
he sat right next to her.

I'll leave the rest to
your imagination.

Such a bold fellow he was.
Paid no attention to anybody.

She let him?
I think so.
I mean, I don't really know
what went on between them.

Something may or
may not have happened.

But I was shocked to realize
he's just like a masked man!

Long ago, hangmen used to wear masks.
I wonder if they felt the same.
