Good morning.
Confucius say:
"Burying the dead is a gratuitous and
meritoriuos task." But
Cofucius, of course,
didn't live in this town.
Burial takes up much of my time, and
unfortunately I have to make it profitable.
Confucius will surely forgive me
if I say that the Carradines' funeral
costs three dollars a coffin.
Which comes to... comes to...
er, twelve.
Thank you.
You know how to live.
can you tell me where to find Scott?
Have you a million dollars?
Confucius he also say:
"There is no amount of money that can
equal the earthly life of a man,
even if he is very lowly."
And I am very lowly,
but for this once I heartily agree
with Confucius.
What will you have to drink?
Whisky double.
How is Mister Scott?
Fine, I think.
Where can I find him?
Find who?