Uh, when I was
asked to be...
guest speaker
at this luncheon,
I asked myself this:
"Who are you,
Luther Heggs,
to be a guest speaker
at this luncheon?"
I thought about my answer
about being a guest speaker...
for a long time.
Wh-What is
a guest speaker?
Let me clarify this.
I have been called brave.
What is brave?
Let me clarify this.
Of course, we all know
that it is short...
for bravery.
That goes without
even being said.
But it is
also a symbol...
of another thing.
It is a symbol...
of doing one's duty...
no matter what is
scaring him... personally.
Atta boy, Luther.
Take your World War II.
There were many heroes
in World War II.
What were your heroes?
Who were your heroes?
Let me clarify this.
Thank you for having me.
Taro, caro,
Thank you.
Are you Luther Heggs,
1347 Lucerne Road?
You know me,
Loved your speech, Luther. Thank you.
What do you want me to write on this?
Nothing. You don't write on a summons.
Summons? Summons? He got a summons.