Father, Axel Nordstrom,
operates glass-bottom boat in Catalina.
Girl lives alone with dog, two mynah birds
and tropical fish.
Hobbies: boating and cooking.
Won first prize in baking contest
for banana-cream cake.
Holds navigator's license number 7256.
Currently taking night courses in..."
Now are you ready for this?
"Dramatic writing, ballet, sculpture...
...music appreciation, radio telegraphy,
ceramics and mapmaking."
- Mapmaking. And I thought I was busy.
- You got some problem with this girl, sir?
Yeah, the toughest kind, Homer.
Two bodies moving in different orbits.
There's an equation for everything.
You were quoted on that
in one of the magazines.
Yeah, you take Mars
and you take Venus.
- Yes, sir.
- Well, Mars is locked in his orbit...
...because of extreme pressure.
- Pressure? Oh, right, right.
But if we can induce Venus to move out
of her orbit with the added factors...
...of X plus Y and apply it to COD...
- COD?
Yeah, "contents of dossier."
- I'm lost.
- No, no, look.
COD plus X Y to the second power...
...plus OS, orbit shift, equals...
...Mars and Venus joined.
Amazing, sir. Do you think
the world's ready for this?
Like all great thinking, it's a wonder
nobody thought of it before.
- Mrs. Nelson.
- Oh, yes, sir?
Mr. Templeton wishes to see you
in his office.
Mr. Temp...? Oh, about what, sir?
You see, Mrs. Nelson,
in a very short time from now...
...a manned rocket will take off for some
far distant part of our solar system.
If I'm not here to answer questions...
...your biography will anticipate anything
that might be asked about me.
Yes, sir.
To help you work more effectively,
I'll take you into my confidence.
All this is classified, of course.