I don't feel well.
I have this cold coming on.
- Oh, my sock is getting soggy.
- Look, put it all in here.
- The whole thing.
- I think I'm gonna catch cold.
- You push.
- Yeah, okay.
- Here.
- Don't let any of it drip off.
- Oh, good, that's it, that's good. Yeah.
- Now, shake it all in.
- I think I'm stuck.
- You can't be stuck.
No, I am. Oh, yes, I am
because my toes are bent up.
- I have this ingrown toenail, two of them.
- Mr. Pritter, I'd rather not hear...
...about your toenails...
...at this moment. Okay?
- Okay, yeah. All right.
- Lady. I have this condition.
- Now, will you please...?
- Shut up?
- Right. Now, hang on.
- I'm hanging. Pull.
- I'm pulling.
Oh, I'm sorry.
Oh, I'm sorry. Are you all right?
No, no, I always twine myself
in ladders with a foot on my cake.
It's still stuck. Lady, wait, please.
- Just be still, Mr. Pritter.
- Wait, my shoulder's connected to that.
I think we should get that out...
- Wait a minute. Get... Wait.
- I have to do the ladder.
The ladder, oh, yes. Very good, oh, wait.
The lip is there. The lip. The lip.
- Oh, God. It's really a mess.
- I'm sorry.
You know something? You're irritated
with me, I'm irritated with myself.
Look, it's just a good thing that I didn't
fall in the pool with my cold. That's all.
Boy, I'll tell you one thing,
I cannot go through life like this.
Mr. Pritter. Now, wait a minute.
We have to approach this...
- We have to approach it scientifically.
- Oh, yes.
- Right?
- Sure, why not.
- Now, listen to me.
- Yeah.
- Are you thinking?
- I've got it.
I'm gonna put all my weight
on this basket.