The Glass Bottom Boat

And when I do, you pull your foot out.
- You see what I mean?
- Scientifically.

Yeah. Okay?
- Sure.
- All right.

- Ready?
- Sure.

- Here I come.
- Okay, now I pull out, right?

I'll push down, and you pull out.
Mr. Pritter! Mr. Pritter...
- I'm stuck.
- Oh, please, lady, you're stuck?

Your heel is in my ingrown.
- Mr. Pritter.
- Yeah?

We cannot approach this scientifically
until I get my foot out.

- No more scientific, please.
- Right. Now, listen to me.

- Yeah.
- Let me hold on to you.

Oh, lady.
My watch. My watch.
Mr. Templeton said for you to relax,
Julius, dear.

I'll have your clothes pressed like new
in no time.

That's fine, Anna.
It's kind of large,
but that's a good-looking shirt on you.

Thank you.
I'm so sorry about the house.
It's just a mess.

- Don't worry.
- I'll clean it.

Don't worry about it.
Your foot.

- You hurt your foot?
- He stepped on it in the wastebasket.

He's not too thin.
Poor Mr. Pritter. How is he?
He's kind of hiding while Anna cleans
his clothes. He was a mess.

Did you see
when he took the fish out of his shirt?

They seemed to enjoy it.
They're still swimming around there.

- You know, I've got a confession to make.
- What?

I'm not really sorry you hurt your foot.
Feels good.

- I have a confession too.
- What?

You've got the wrong foot.
Here, it's this one.
There's where he stepped on it.
It's swollen.

Yes, it is. Maybe we should rub
some more cake on it.

I'm sorry about that cake.
- Not as sorry as I am.
- You like it that much?

Well, that's my main food.
Staple diet.
