who had committed a crime in America
not to be tried in our courts?
You know Chinese justice.
Confessions by torture, corruption...
Have you seen the executioner of the
warlords walk through the streets? ''Oh, you.''
''Ah. You!''
Well, do you think that's funny?
Well, you do it kinda funny.
Yes, those things happen.
But they're trying.
Responsible Chinese leaders
are trying to put their house in order.
- From the south, the Nationalist Party...
- Mobs, that's all l see. Mobs that threaten us.
Confusing, isn't it? And painful.
l bequeath China and her agonies
to you youngsters, with pity,
and with the hope that perhaps
you can understand what's going on,
can comprehend what so many people
are going to have to die for.
The good, the bad... the innocent.
- Excuse me, sir, but you're talking rot.
- Conceivably.
A firm hand, that's what's needed.
That's what you're doing here.
Hey. Listen, l run the engine.
All this other is just ''looksee-pidgin''.
- l beg your pardon?
- To make a show. Something for the officers.
l don't fool with it.
Oh, don't stop.
l can't do no more.
Just butterflies and rabbits.