They, uh... They leave you alone.
l had a brother in the navy during the war.
He was a lieutenant in the reserve.
- How long have you been in the navy?
- Nine years.
- And out here?
- Seven.
See, most China sailors, they don't go back.
They pull their 20, 30 years and shack up
with a Chinese girl, open up a bar.
l see.
l mean, l keep asking myself the same
question about what l'm doing here.
l'm kinda frightened.
lt may be romantic,
but l wanted to be swept up by something.
One night, Mr Jameson showed coloured
slides in the basement of the church.
Slides of his mission, China Light.
- How long you sign up for?
- Seven years.
Well, those slopeheads
could use some teaching.
l hope you're good at it. Long as you're
good at something, they can't bust you down.
Like me, you know, with the engine.
The Reverend'll probably tell you that nice
American girls don't talk to China sailors.
lt's not your brother's navy.
l'm sorry if l've embarrassed you.