- Maybe it would be better.
- No, sweetie, don't say that.
l can't help it.
l'm nothing.
l'm not Chinese, l'm not American.
And the child will be nothing.
He'll be ours.
Like you're mine. That's all we need.
Harris, clean up your stinkin' mess!
l'm not gonna do your work.
- l won't stand any more of your watches.
- Harris, lay below!
- Perna, you...
- l said lay below!
- Cut it out! Cut it out, you guys!
- Let him go! Let him go!
- Get the deck aides to help you.
- What's the matter with you guys?
- lsn't there enough trouble with slopeheads?
- Get him down below where he belongs!
- l'm an electrician. He belongs below.
- Knock it off!
And the rest of you!
What are you standin' around for?
l want you to start
wearing side arms. Franks, too.
When the water in the channel rises
and we can get to Shanghai,
everything will be all right.
Till then, the men are not responsible.
They have to be protected.
- So stay clear of them.
- Aye aye, sir.
There's never been a mutiny
aboard a United States ship of war.
l'm not gonna give them
the slightest chance on this one.
l understand, sir.