- Hurt yourself?
- Skinned my knee.
Good thing I didn't put
my silk stockings on.
- Spit on it. That takes the sting away.
- OK.
- Hey, are you OK?
- Yeah, I guess so.
Principal damage was done
to my bracelet. Knocked out a diamond.
- It wasn't a genuine diamond.
- How do you know?
If it was, you wouldn't be out
walking railroad tracks.
Not with a banged-up doll
and a piece of a rotten banana.
I forgot to ask. What's your name?
- Tom.
- Mine's Willie.
- How did that happen?
- I was expected to be a boy, but I wasn't.
They already had one girl,
Alva. That was my sister.
- Why ain't you in school?
- I thought it was gonna be windy.
- So I could fly my kite.
- What made you think that?
'Cause the sky's so white.
Hey... why ain't you in school?
I quituated. They started on algebra.
I didn't care what X stood for, so I quit.
You ain't gonna get an education
walking a railroad track.
You ain't from flying a kite neither.
Besides, what a girl needs
to get along is social training.
I learned that from Alva. She was
mighty popular with the railroad men.
- Train engineers?
- Engineers!
Engineers, firemen, brakemen,
conductors, the freight superintendent,
every one of them after Alva.
She was, I guess you might say,
the main attraction.
Beautiful? Jeez!
Boy, you see that house over yonder?
- We had some high old times in there.
- I'll bet you did.