My mama in here?
We got a problem on our hands.
She went back this way, Willie.
You seen my mama?
You shouldn't be out here alone,
sporting a big diamond like that.
You scared me!
And it ain't a real diamond.
- Sparkles like one to me.
- No. It's a firefly. Gotta...
- Willie, where's your ma?
- I don't know.
- Gotta snip off its tail... when it's lighted.
- Do you belong to that boarding house?
That's the Starr Boarding House.
I'm Willie Starr.
Well, how do you do, Willie?
You railroad?
- Why do you ask?
- We get mostly railroad men.
Mama will put you up some place...
soon as I find that old thing!
Mama? That you, Mama?
Willie, quit that hollering!
Leave them alone!
Come on.
- Where've you been?
- Down to Jake's to see if Alva's there.
- Who are you, honey?
- He wants a room.
- You ain't a vagrant?
- No.
- Lay-off?
- No.
Well, my rooms are two a night...
Where are you going? I got the beer!
- Happy birthday!
- Two a night, ten bucks a week.
Two meals included. Cash in advance.
- How long you fixing to stay?
- Five... A week... Ten. About a week.
Only a week? Well, a buck is a buck.
If you're lucky.
Hey, where's the beer?
It ain't usually so noisy.