Torn Curtain

(Speaking In German)
I beg your pardon?
Excuse me. Sit down, please.
- No, thank you.
- Oh?

Your loss, our gain.
Well, Professor, did you have a good trip?
Oh, so-so.
Uh, this is Mr Gromek.
He will be your personal guide.

- Hello.
- Anything you need?

I lived many years in United States.
If he gives you any trouble, come to me.
I lived on 88th Street in New York.
- Oh, good.
- (Clears Throat)

Well, here we are.
I hear you...
you brought a little excess baggage.

Oh, yes.
A Sarah Louise Sherman.
Sarah Louise?
You should come to me for your information.
But... isn't it a little strange?
During all your conversations
with our agents in the United States,

you never mentioned that
you were bringing an assistant.

- I didn't know she was coming.
- Really?

I gave her that cover story,
the one about Stockholm,

but I must've botched it.
- Isn't she your fiancée?
- Yes.

Then what did you intend her to do?
Go home, marry the boy next door,
or what?

I hoped, vaguely that
she'd understand my motives.

Maybe she wouldn't,
but I hoped she'd join me later.

She has joined you, sooner than later.
So it would appear.
Oh, boy.
Let's have her in, shall we?
Come in, please.
Miss Sherman, my name is Gerhard.
