Torn Curtain

- Do you want to?
- I want to be with you.

You must thank Manfred, Professor.
Professor Manfred
has a unique line in argument.

He combines mathematical
logic with romantic inconsistency.

Miss Sherman, may I offer you a cognac?
(Speaking In German)
Now a toast.
To your new life in your new country.
So, and now you leave for Leipzig.
- What, today?
- Immediately.

- We have sent a car for you.
- (Knocking)

- We'll have to pack.
- Herein.

My dear Miss Sherman,
you are a scientist now, not a porter.

All that will be arranged.
The indispensable Gromek will meet
you in Leipzig with your baggage.

(Speaking In German)
Professor, we seem to have lost Gromek.

(Man Speaking In German Over Intercom)
(Speaking In German)
Professor Armstrong, Miss Sherman,
may I present Vice Rector Gutman.
How do you do?
(Gutman) Welcome to Karl Marx University.
I am very happy to see you.
May I introduce Professor Winckelmann.
