There's plenty of worthy occupations.
- Crawford, sir.
- Come in, Crawford.
Just came over the wire.
The President has appointed
Mr Patrick Dowling...
- Secretary of State.
- Dowling, huh?
Well, that's show business.
- Who the devil is Patrick Dowling?
- Secretary of State.
- I'll check for more news.
- Thank you, Crawford.
Harvey, I guess you're right. I think
I'll give up trying to save the world.
Tonight we're gonna celebrate
Patrick Dowling's appointment.
Excuse me, sir.
Mr Clark has telephoned.
Mr Clark? Where is he?
Up in the lounge.
He says he's on his way down.
- Show him here.
- Yes, sir.
- Who's Clark?
- He's one of Father's senior directors.
A venerable old gentleman.
We don't want to get stuck with that
old boy for the rest of the evening.
No, I'll get rid of him.
Remember you just got over the flu.
Took a long sea voyage
to get away from it all.
- We don't want to be
visiting parks and museums.
- Mr Clark, sir.
Ogden, my dear boy,
I haven't seen you since
you were in swaddling clothes.
I must say you're
the replica of your father.
Uh, Mr Clark, may I present
my friend Harvey Crothers?
How do you do?
I beg your pardon.
Well, sir.
Hudson tells me you're under the weather
and here I am ready to show you the town.
I think perhaps I better stay
inside and just take things easy.
Of course, my dear boy.
I'll not disturb you.
But before I go, I'd like to introduce
some very dear friends of mine.
They're waiting in the lounge.
Well, certainly. Hudson, would you show
Mr Clark's friends in?
- They're alone in the lounge.
You can't miss them.
- Yes, sir.
Well, Ogden, too bad you're not
up to scratch. I was looking
forward to showing you around.
Yes, well, I'm disappointed.
I was reading about it
and it sounds fascinating.
- The botanical gardens and museums...
- Oh, dear me, dear me.
Botanical gardens? Ha, ha, ha!
I think we can do better than that.