Too bad you're just
getting over the flu, Ogden.
I thought we might go on somewhere
this evening and take the ladies along.
But then the night air
might be dangerous for you.
Oh, I think if I wrap up well
it'll be all right.
Where are the girls?
I don't know. I think they went to the
ladies room as soon as you left.
I must have inspired them
with the same idea.
Let me tell you about
these ladies. Harvey.
They are the daughters
of Russian aristocrats.
Their titles are absolutely genuine.
Their parents escaped to Shanghai
during the Russian Revolution.
Shanghai was a nasty place
in those days.
An international settlement
run by seven nations.
Because they had no country,
their life was worthless.
They could be robbed, murdered.
Nobody bothered.
Countess Natascha,
the one sitting next to you...
has had rather a sad life.
She was the mistress
of a gangster at the age of 14.
How did the others
manage to live?
Many starved,
others committed suicide.
Some of the women
worked in dance halls.
The men had to compete
with the cheapest labour because
they couldn't leave the country.
I think Harvey
is very good-looking.
A lot of good that'll do you.
He's penniless.
So what? Haven't you
any romance in your soul?
Money makes me romantic.
I thought Harvey
was the one with the dough.
You have poor instincts, my dear.
It's the other one, Ogden Mears,
who has the money.