Then you'll go as you are.
In your pyjamas?
- Take off those pyjamas.
- Would that look nice?
Take off those pyjamas
or I'll tear them off.
- Oh!
- You heard what I said.
- Take 'em off.
- Oh, please, my nerves.
- Take them off.
- Oh, this is silly.
- You'll see how silly this is.
- Oh!
Take 'em off.
Oh, please. Do you want me
to call the Captain?
Oh, but really.
What are we doing?
Ooh! Ooh! Oh, dear!
You'll get off this boat if l...
Who is it?
It's Crawford, sir.
Come in, ladies and gentlemen.
Please be seated.
- How do you do?
- Good morning.
- Good morning.
- Good morning.
Ladies and gentlemen, may I introduce
His Excellency, Ogden Mears?
- How do you do?
- Good morning. How many
in your party, Mr Mears?
There are three of us,
Mr Crothers, Mr Crawford and myself.
- I understand you've been made
Ambassador to Saudi Arabia.
- Yes, that's right.
Are you going
directly there now?
No, I'll go to Washington
for the usual formalities.
- Is your wife going with you?
- I hope so.
Mr Ambassador,
what is your solution for peace?
The solution for peace
lies in man himself.
In this atomic age
and the power of military might...
- Wait, I'll get you a towel.
- Liberty, freedom and justice...
are generalities that have been
quoted as an excuse for aggression.