Now, wait a minute.
This is getting us nowhere.
Ogden, you can catch
more flies with honey...
than you can with...
With what?
Well, I'd say mustard or vinegar.
Mustard and vinegar?
What's that got to do with it?
Well, you can get more
with honey. Honey, huh.
Now, listen, "Natischa."
If Ogden goes to the Captain...
he'll believe him before he'll believe
you, and you'll be sent to jail.
If you'll get off the boat at Tokyo
without a scandal, we'll give you $ 75,000.
I don't want money.
Ogden, you're dealing
with an odd character.
This is a hold-up.
I'm going straight to the Captain.
Don't do anything rash, Ogden.
Ogden, before you do anything...
What do you think
you're doing? Oh.
Harvey, ring for some ice water.