A Countess from Hong Kong

Do you believe
in the immortality of the soul?

- Well...
- Daddy does. He believes
that when we die...

our souls go on until they're
reborn again through love.

- Love?
- You don't believe in love?

- Well, l...
- Daddy does.

He loves everybody,
except the Communists.

- You're in the Diplomatic Service,
aren't you?
- Yes.

How boring it must be
to be diplomatic to everyone.

- But you're Ambassador
to Arabia, aren't you?
- Yes, l...

- Have you been there before?
- Oh, yes.

- Do tell me about it. I adore Arabs.
- Well, the Arabs are very inter...

Quite a crowd tonight.
You'd never suspect that most
of them have been seasick.

Her empty chair is next to mine
in the dining room.

I'm so intrigued to see
what she looks like.

It's Harvey!
Well, l-I see you're
enjoying yourself.

I thought I'd come see that you
weren't getting into any mischief.

- Mischief?
- Well, it's a difficult situation.

I'll be glad when it's over.
- You really think you'll be able
to land in the States?
- Oh, yes.

I sincerely wish you all the luck
in the world. I know Ogden does.

Oh, yes, he...
He speaks very well of you.

That's surprising.
Well, it's all difficult.
These close quarters. He's very
suspicious. You're very attractive.

That's what he's fighting against.
He seems to have won.
it started out the wrong way.

But he'll miss you.
Oh, yes. He said so himself.
He'll be only too glad
to get rid of me.

I don't know.
