- What's he doing upstairs?
- Dancing with some young blonde.
- Is she pretty?
- Well, she's young.
Hey, what are you doing?
You put the five in the wrong place.
Electrician to fix the lights
in the sitting room and bedroom.
- Could you come back in half an hour?
- Very well, sir.
It's the electrician to fix the lights
here and in the bedroom.
They've been here every ten minutes,
rapping on the door.
- Now they have a passkey.
- I don't like that passkey business.
I think you'd be safer upstairs dancing.
- Ogden would be furious.
- Not when I tell him about
the electrician with the passkey.
Well, if I'm caught, it's better
to be upstairs than down here.
Now that's the spirit! If you stay
down here, you'll go stir crazy.
- You stay here. I'll find Ogden.
- Don't leave me alone!
No. No. I'll only be a minute.
- Excuse me. May I have this dance?
- Harvey!
No, it's all right. How do you do?
I'll meet you back here.
Why aren't you dancing, Captain?
I was just about to ask
this very attractive young lady.
You better be nice to him.
We're all under his control.
I've been wondering about
the immortality of the soul.