You put your hand over the mouthpiece
so he doesn't hear you breathing.
Then he'll think there's something wrong
with the connection...
- and hang up.
- Yeah.
Then, of course, you've got to get out
of the house at night...
- without arousing suspicion.
- You do, don't you?
Unless you're unemployed
and have your afternoons free.
Oh. Well, I could say
that I was at the office working late.
And what happens
if Ruth should phone you there...
and find you're not there working late?
- Oh.
- Which brings us to basic principle number one.
Never, never say you'll be...
where you can be found not to be.
Yes. I can see that.
Boy, oh, boy. It gets
pretty complicated, doesn't it?
Protecting your loved ones
is never easy, kid.
Yes. Then how do you get out of the house
at night without arousing suspicion?
Well, it depends upon
the kind of wife you've got.
This guy I knew,
he invented a brilliant gambit.
He used what he called
the "bust-up scene. "
He'd provoke a fight.
- Joe?
- Yeah?
- Hi, baby.
- Hi, honey.
- How are the kids?
- Fine.
- Good. What's for dinner?
- Chicken.
Chicken? We just had that
two days ago.
No. That was last Thursday
we had chicken.
- Are you callin' me a liar?
- No, honey. I just-
A man kills himself workin'
for his wife and family all day long.
What does he get when he gets home?
Chicken and insults.
- Honey.
- It's not bad enough we have chicken every day-
We do not have chicken every day.
Why don't you learn how to cook
somethin' else for a change?
I do! Yesterday,
we had pot roast.
- That was pot roast, huh?
- Yeah!
Tasted more like the pot
than the roast.
- Are you complaining about my cooking?
- Yes.
Well, if you don't like it,
why don't you go someplace else?
- All right! I will!
- All right! Go ahead!
Aw, quiet!