- Hello?
- Baby. Baby, I'm sorry.
- Well, you ought to be.
- Yeah, yeah. I feel terrible, baby.
- I don't know why you put up with me.
- Neither do I.
- Did you eat?
- Yeah. I caught a hamburger in some joint.
Then I sort of just drove around.
- I feel terrible, honey.
- Well...
maybe we do have chicken
a little too often.
No, no. Honey-
Honey, it's not that.
It's just this crazy temper of mine.
I don't know why
I keep takin' it out on you.
Well, maybe that's what a wife is for.
- Oh, no. Honey, I love your chicken.
- Really, honey?
But most of all, I love you, honey.
I love you, honey.
See ya tonight, baby.
Did you notice his use
of the continuous-action verb-
"keep on taking it out on you"?
Thereby setting it up for next time.