A Guide for the Married Man

If it is, it's a fate better than death.
- You are a devil, aren't you?
- Really?

A big-eyed, long-lashed devil.
- Seriously?
- Uh-huh.

- Do you believe in flaunting fate, Mr. Devil?
- Well, I, uh-

- I don't.
- Me neither.

Then maybe you can give me a lift
some morning.

- I can?
- Why not?

I could certainly use a lift
some mornings.

Yes. Who couldn't?
Big fella.
Who was the sexiest lady there tonight?
- You, dear.
- Really?

Yeah, sure.
Did you like the way I looked?
Yeah, great.
- How about my hair?
- How about it?

- Do you like it this way?
- Yeah, great.

How am I wearing it?
Uh, up-up there somewhere.
That's close.
And what was I wearing tonight?

- Wearing?
- Uh-huh.

Well, um, three-piece suit.
Uh, silver-lamé jacket
with long sleeves.

Under that,
a sleeveless-shell blouse...

with black striped bands
at the neck and waist.

Rhinestone earrings
and black velvet headband.

Silver handbag.
Silver shoes with matching bows...

and fashionable heels
with sling straps.

And straight, hip-hugging skirt.
Here you are, baby.
- Pussycat.
- Yeah?

If you had your choice
among all the girls at the party tonight-

You. Of course.
- And so would Harry Johnson.
- Oh, Ed.
