A Guide for the Married Man

No. I know the type.
Somebody else's grass is always greener.
- Really?
- Yeah.

That's why I want you
to be a little standoffish.

You know, civil but with a touch of
you can't stand him.

All right, darling,
but I can't really believe he's like that.

Well, I don't trust him one inch.
It doesn't matter about him, pussycat.
- As long as you and I trust each other.
- Yeah.

Darling, what were you men talking
so heatedly about tonight?

Oh, baseball, the stock market.
You know.

What were you girls talking about?
Oh, kids, new styles.
You know.

Yeah. Good party, wasn't it?
Darling, who did you think was
the most attractive woman there tonight?

- No. I mean it.
- So do I.

Okay. After me.
- Janet Brody.
- Really?

Then how come you were dancing
with Irma Johnson all night?

- Who?
- Irma Johnson.

It wasn't all night.
And as the host-

I really don't blame you, darling.
She's very attractive,
even if a bit obvious.

- Who?
- Irma.

And I thought I wiped the floor
with Harry Johnson last night.

Didn't you? About the hideaway
versus the popular place, I mean.

Yes, yes. I suppose so.
Yeah. Of course,
he's still fairly new at it, but-

Is something bothering you, kid?
No, no. It's just-
