I thought I had it.
I studied all the points...
...sticking up.
They'll cut hell out of you.
What were you doing? Praying?
Nothing wrong with it.
Just now?
No, not really.
I was... I was just thinking
about all these fish
that are gonna get blown up today,
and then about back home.
I used to go fishing a lot with my pop.
What's your old man do?
Is he a doctor or something like that?
Worse. He's a minister.
That's why I was named
Joseph Joshua Cliff.
A minister! Sure enough?
But he's a great guy, too.
I mean, most people think
because he's a minister,
he's gotta be square...
not fun, not human.
You should hear him at church.
He gets more laughs than Bob Hope.
I never heard a minister
but he was funny as a graveyard.
He's serious, too.
I mean, he makes people think.
Most people, he says, pray
like they were going to the bathroom
or brushing their teeth...
a reflex, almost.
"Forgive us our trespasses, and help us
to forgive those who trespass against us."
How many people ever stop to think
what that really means?
Yeah. You're damn right.
When is something gonna happen?
When are we going in?
Goldberg said it'd be
at least an hour more.
...sometime tomorrow.
Your folks still alive?
Hell, I ain't seen 'em since I was four.
That sits just fine with me.