You sure do know a lot about automobiles,
don't you?
Yes. l guess l do.
Would you know what kind of car this is?
This is a four cylinder Ford Coupe.
Huh? Sure, sure is.
This is a stolen, four cylinder Ford Coupe.
Hey, you ain't scared, are you? Huh?
l believe he is.
That's a pity. We sure could've
used a smart boy like that...
...who knows such a great
deal about automobiles.
Are you a good driver, boy?
Yeah, reckon l am.
No, he's better off here.
What's your name, boy?
C.W. Moss.
Well, l'm Miss Bonnie Parker
and this here is Mr. Clyde Barrow.
We rob banks.
There ain't nothing wrong with that,
is there?
Clyde, he ain't the one. Let's go.
You think you got the guts
for our line of work?
What are you talking about?
l spent a year, a year in reformatory.
A man with a record!
l know you got the nerve to short change
old ladies coming in for gas.
What l'm asking you is have you got
what it takes to pull bank jobs with us?
Sure, l do. l ain't afraid,
if that's what you think.
Prove it.