Bonnie and Clyde

And a Frigidaire, not an ice-box.
Eight pounds of pork chops,
four pounds of red beans.

About eight bottles of Dr. Pepper.
You sure can play checkers.
You need a haircut.
You're looking just like a hillbilly boy.

You are just like an old man.
Playing checkers all the time,
don't pay any attention to your wife.

Boy, you ain't going to ever beat me,
but you just keep trying, you hear?

Oh, Daddy, you sure do need a haircut.
Why, you look like a little old hillbilly,
l do declare.

Oh, mercy me, don't.
Don't talk that way when she's
right there in the next room.

There's always somebody in
the next room, in this room...

...or in every other kind of room.
Don't you ever just want
to be alone with me?

Well, l always feel like we're alone.
Do you, baby?
l'm hungry.
Groceries, ma'am.
-How much?
-Six dollars and 43 cents.

Let me help you, those bags are heavy.
No thanks, l'll get them.
