Now, honey, don't spend it all in one place!
Listen now. l guess l'm going
to have to keep saying this...
...Blanche is married to Buck,
and Buck is family.
My family could use some of that money.
You know how those laws...
...have been hanging around
your mama's house.
lt's too risky to go there now.
But where can we go now? We rob
the damn banks. What else do we do?
Well, what do you want to do?
Clyde, there's a hole in the pan.
We're losing oil. We've got to swipe
another car if we want to get anywhere.
Come on and look.
Say, isn't that your car, Eugene?
That's my car!
That's my car! Hey!
That's my car!
-They're coming after us!
-Come on, kick it in the pants.
l'm going to tear them apart!
Those punks!
Stealing a man's car.
Wait till l get my hands
on those kids, Velma.
l'm going to tear them apart!
What if they have guns, Eugene?
Listen, we better get the police
and let them handle this.