- Very impressive. How do you spell that?
- I'll show you.
I have to check 15 more auxiliaries
in alphabetical...
Call Mr Zacharias and tell him not to
wait up. The vacancy's just been filled.
A first-class performance, Cooper.
- Your primary statistics fit the bill.
- We aim to please, sir.
You will start
your AFSD training immediately.
Moneypenny, get a few dozen girls
for Cooper to start with.
- Moneypenny?
- A few dozen girls...
I appreciate your confidence, sir.
All agents and trainees will now be known
as James Bond 007, including the girls.
Won't that be confusing, sir?
The enemy won't know which way
to turn. You are now James Bond.
Congratulations, 007.
And you, 007... sir.
Good hunting, 007.
Doesn't that do something to you, 007?
It does but I'm being trained to ignore it.
Beauty's only skin-deep.
How about some skin diving?
Not today, Lorelei.
Right. Ting-Ling.
You know that every fifth child
born in the world is Chinese?
- They'll have to keep it up without me.
- Why are you so inscrutable?
- That's meant to be our racket.
- You might be a double agent.
- What would you do if I was?
- Whether you are or not, sayonara.
Next. Shirley.
- You're not Shirley.
- No.
I'm the new secret weapon.